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Dr. Paul Bloomberg Supperclub Highlights

Many of us hear the terms “efficacy” or “collective efficacy” bantered about in the educational realm, but do we really, truly understand what these terms mean?

As best-selling author and school improvement coach Dr. Paul Bloomberg explains in this Supper Club chat with Lucy, efficacy is strongly rooted in evidence and data. And it's not just the standardized test data or diagnostic or universal screening data that initially comes to mind.

An inquiry might begin with this sort of data, but – to be effective – it must move beyond this and take a deep dive into other sorts of data that educators value. The “soft data” uncovered is often the most meaningful, because ”it gives us a glimpse into what is happening in a kid's head.”

Join Paul and Lucy as they unpack the complex issue of efficacy in the educational sphere and explore how educators, armed with salient evidence and data, can set attainable goals for their classrooms and their schools.

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Published on August 28, 2024


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