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Staff Developer Spotlight

Getting to know Logan Fisher

  • What is your go-to coffee order? I wish I liked coffee! Truly I do. I've TRIED. But there's no kind that doesn't taste Ha! If teachers at school that I support do a coffee run, I usually get hot chocolate. Honestly, who can resist liquid chocolate?

  • What do you do in the mornings to prepare to go to a school? I travel a lot to the schools I support. So in the morning, typically, I'm by myself in a hotel room. I find that I love the silence that that brings with it. It allows me to review and go over what is planned for the day as I get ready. I use the time alone to consider ways that I can truly connect with the teachers I am supporting as I find that it is with that connection that help create the parameters we need in order to learn together.

  • What is your favorite part of interaction with teachers in your partner schools? Oh! This is an easy one. My favorite part of interacting with teachers is BY FAR what they teach me. It never fails, no matter what school I'm in, I always leave a little bit smarter. There are truly so many teachers out there doing so many amazing things in the name of supporting students.

  • What is your favorite children’s book series and why? There are so many. Lately I am loving the Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman. The author does such a deft job at bringing the reader into the first loves of high school and all the angst that comes with that. However, the biggest reason why it's my favorite series lately is because it's a series that I've been reading with my teen daughter. It's been an amazing way to connect with her.

  • Tell me about a read aloud that you think is particularly beautiful: Any book by Kate Dicamillo is a particularly beautiful read aloud. But, if I had to pick one, I'd have to say her book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is the most magical. It's the story of a china rabbit, Edward, who learns to love by experiencing life's ups and downs on a journey to find a place that he can call home.

  • What’s your favorite sticky-note color? Oh! Hot pink all the way!

  • When do you do your best lesson/staff development planning? I'd have to say that there isn't one particular time. The way I create and plan is sort through a slow burn process. I typically will, for a day or two, mull over in my mind ways to solve problems, plans for school days, and think about best ways to accomplish the school partner's goals. Once I'm sure I've got an idea or ideas that I think will be effective, I'll sit down and plan it out. With this kind of process, it helps to have thought partners. Often, it is my husband. He's pretty used to me saying, "Can I run something by you?" Quite often hearing my idea said out loud helps me to solidify if it's ready or not.

  • Favorite office supply/ classroom gadget? The 8x6 Sticky Note! Can't do my job without those big post-its!

  • What do you do when you’re not staff developing? When I am not staff developing, you'll usually find me spending time with my husband, Jeff, and daughter, Ila. We like hanging out together. We are huge movie and music buffs, and we love to travel. In fact, this June, Ila and I are heading to London to see Taylor Swift in concert! We are so excited.

  • What’s your favorite pen? The purple Pentel Energel RTX Retractable. Obsessed.

  • How do you stay organized? Anyone who knows me well would be dying laughing over this one. Let's just say, it's tough for me. I am working on it.'s tough.

  • What’s the state of your desk? (organized, messy, etc.) See above. Ha!

  • If you were to decorate a classroom, what would it look like?I've never been one of those "decoration" kind-of teachers. If you walked into my classroom, you'd find that everything in there had a purpose. There were tables for kids to sit at, a meeting area for mini lessons, read alouds and the like. On the walls, you'd find anchor charts to provide my students access to the teaching done in each subject...oh...and there'd always be a truly messy teacher desk...every year.

  • What are you learning right now? I am always reading something. Lately, after reading Your Brain on Art: How Art Transforms Us by Ross and Magsamen, I've been trying to expand the artistic part of my life. I'm learning to crochet and water color. My goal this summer is to learn how to use a sewing machine that a friend gave me to start to upcycle clothing.

  • What does professional development mean to you? A wise mentor that I once had said, "Logan, the day I stop learning is the day that I am no longer living." That statement has stuck with me over the years, and I suppose that professional development is a vehicle for that sentiment. It is a chance to provide educators time to learn new skills and stay up to date on trends; to keep growing. I think this is particularly important in the education career since we are dedicated to teaching students in ways that will help them to learn all they can the best way they can. And that means that we have to keep on learning so that they can as well.

  • If you could go back in time and join a varsity team in high school, which would it be and why? Probably, I'd play basketball. Over the course of my marriage my husband has coached the sport as well as officiated it. We have been to so many games from pee wee basketball to the College. The games are always so thrilling. I think it would be amazing to be a part of something like that. And who wouldn't want to, at least once in their lives, dunk a basketball and hang on the rim?

  • What is your favorite thing about Lucy Calkins? Oh. I need days and pages to answer this one. But let me try and be concise. As a teacher, Lucy and The Reading and Writing Project were my partners when it came to honing my craft for the sake of my students. Each time I attended an Institute, it was her keynote that I looked forward to most. In it, each year, the topic of that keynote became a rallying cry for me. She had a way in those moments to make me and everyone else in the room feel like the wellbeing and the literacy of our students were the most important things. Her words embodied that idea; that it was our duties as educators to find a way or find ways to ensure that we never forget who it was that we should be supporting every day. What was best for kids was her rallying cry. Now, being in her employ, I have to say how delighted I am that those keynotes weren't just words but symbolized who she actually is. No matter what we discuss or study or create at the Reading and Writing Project, we do it because it is best for kids. Showing kids the beautiful world of reading and writing is her North Star and in turn is as well for those who work for her and with her.

  • What is one of your hidden talents? I grew up in an artistic household. I can sing, act, and write.

  • What is your dream summer break vacation? To travel to a far flung country (any really) and live like a local for a few weeks. This is my favorite kind of vacation. This summer, we are going to Cinque Terre Italy to do just that.

  • What makes a “good day” at a school? To leave knowing that I made a difference. Whether that be with a student or a teacher or admin, I feel the most successful when I know that something I did helped to change someone's practice or facilitated an "aha" lightbulb moment. Those are the best days.

  • If you could pass on any wisdom to students, what would you share? We keep growing. Who you are today won't be the same tomorrow, next week, or next year. Today's problems might be the thing that leads to tomorrow's solutions. Stay open to that idea, expect bumps in the road but keep following where your passions lead you.

Logan Fisher’s dedication and project management skills have made a significant impact on our team and the students we serve. We are grateful for her contributions and look forward to seeing her continued success. To learn more about our other dedicated members of our team, visit our Team Page.

Published on May 10, 2024