What is your go-to coffee order?
Black coffee. I like the simplicity and they usually pour it on the spot which saves me time. Plus, I can sip it for hours during the day without worrying that it has spoiled.
What do you do in the mornings to prepare to go to a school?
Normal morning routine things, coffee at home. Simple breakfast. I really like it when I can get up a couple of hours before I need to head out the door. The quiet hours without interruptions are a great time to do some planning for the day/week or to make headway on long term projects.

What is your favorite part of interaction with teachers in your partner schools?
The joy. Every educator and every team has something unique and brilliant to share.
What is your favorite children’s book series and why?
This is a YA book, but I really like Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I like science fiction, and all 80s pop culture nostalgia is just great.
Tell me about a read aloud that you think is particularly beautiful.
Anything written by Sandra Cisneros is always beautiful to read.
What’s your favorite sticky-note color?
Isn’t the beauty in that there is a variety?
When do you do your best lesson/staffdevelopment planning?
Mornings. At the end of the day, my brain is spent. I like it when I wake up early with a clear head.
Favorite office supply/ classroom gadget?
Does my laptop count? My office is basically a desk and a laptop.
What do you do when you’re not staff developing?
I try to stay active by exercising. Long walks and some strength training. I fit it in as much as I can.
What’s your favorite pen?
Actually, I do have a favorite pen. I love the thin sharpie pens. They write beautifully, smooth and crisp. Plus they don’t bleed through paper - you would think it does because it’s a Sharpie, but it never bleeds through. Amazing!
How do you stay organized?
I tend to put things into piles. Then I try to eliminate as much paper as possible. If I only need it for reference, usually a digital copy is enough. If I use it often, it goes into a folder.
What’s the state of your desk? (organized, messy, etc.)
It’s either completely clear or a disaster. Never in-between. I guess I go all in either way.
If you were to decorate a classroom, what would it look like?
Lots of different seating options. It’s so enjoyable when there are lots of different seating arrangements, from tables to high tops. One teacher I met uses cable spools as desks! Creative ideas like that just invite thinking differently.
What are you learning right now?
Patience. Good things take time.
What does professional development mean to you?
To me, PD is about pushing boundaries. We all get to a point where an activity is easier than it used to be because we have more experience. Or perhaps it’s difficult, but we’ve been approaching that difficulty the same way every time. PD challenges us to think differently. To try things we wouldn’t necessarily try without a supportive environment.
If you could go back in time and join a varsity team in high school, which would it be and why?
I used to play baseball when I was younger, so I think I’d want to keep trying for a glorious home run.
What is your favorite thing about Lucy Calkins?
Her passion. She’ll move heaven and earth to help people.
What is one of your hidden talents?
I can usually get the USB cord plugged in on the first try. Trust me, that’s a talent.
What is your dream summer break vacation?
The beach. And keeping it simple. Just being outside in beautiful places is my ideal.
What makes a “good day” at a school?
All days at school are good days. They are the places where learning and growth happen. I believe in the transformative power of schools.
If you could pass on any wisdom to students, what would you share
Don’t define what’s possible for tomorrow based on your limitations today. Keep testing your limits and see how quickly your struggles turn to strides. Tomorrow you’ll wake up stronger, smarter, and more equipped. Do that day after day and who knows how far you can take this thing we call life.