Dates: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - Friday, March 14, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM ET
Location: Oceanside, New York
Led by: Sarah Mann, Cynthia Satterlee, and Katy Wischow
Who Should Attend: Grades K-6 lead teachers, coaches, principals, and administrators
Cost: $850 per person
This institute will support school leaders, coaches, and lead teachers in helping your schools become even more expert at writing instruction. You’ll learn methods of staff development and have the opportunity to hone your practice as a literacy change agent. You’ll also learn the newest and best ideas in the new Writing Units of Study.
In this institute, you will:
Learn methods of staff development, including ways to design and lead effective workshops and study groups, plan and run labsites, and implement instructional rounds.
Hear about research that undergirds central practices and structures.
Visit literacy classrooms and study and teach alongside colleagues.
Have lots of opportunities to both work on demonstration teaching as well as receive feedback on how to engage students, and adjust instruction to meet the various needs of your students.
Have time to plan with colleagues, try out the work, and consider ways to improve it, working in cycles of practice and feedback.
Learn how to raise the level of conferring and partnership work, by modeling how to use tools to set goals and strive to meet those writing goals.
Learn about small group methods and structures so that you can support your teachers in planning more efficiently and teaching with more efficacy.
January Heinemann Office Hours Featuring Units of Study
Analyzing Spelling, Phonics, and Conventions By Looking at Writing–Then Teaching with New Clarity as a Result
Making Vocabulary Instruction Practical, Powerful, and Playful, All Across the Day
Tackle the Hard Parts of Independent Reading: Giving Specific Feedback When You Don’t Know the Book, Holding Readers Accountable, Raising Reading Levels, Igniting Enthusiasm
What Matters Most in the Science of Reading Comprehension? Amping up Comprehension By Boosting Oral Language, Listening Comprehension, Knowledge Development, and Vocabulary
Reading Test Prep Workshop: Preparing for the Demands of High-Stakes ELA Tests Across the Country
February Heinemann Office Hours Featuring Units of Study
Writing Test Prep Workshop: Preparing for the Demands of High-Stakes ELA Tests Across the Country
Saturday Reunion: A Day of Free Virtual Professional Development
March Heinemann Office Hours Featuring Units of Study