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Grammar and Spelling Institute

Jul 29 - Aug 1
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Dates: Monday, July 29, 2024 - Thursday, August 1, 2024

Time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET

Location: Virtual

Grades: 2-8 teachers, coaches, and administrators

Cost: $850

Educators everywhere are asking for a curriculum of engaging research-based grammar and spelling instruction, taught in ways that align with students’ writing. This institute will support your own knowledge of grammar and phonics and provide you with a brimming toolbox of high leverage and practical resources to take back into your classrooms.

In this institute, you will learn to:

  • Apply research to your classroom on best practices in grammar instruction, phonics and phonemic awareness.

  • Tap into the Science of Reading to bolster spelling instruction, including orthographic mapping, high frequency word instruction, sound walls, and more.

  • Use a series of explicit, systematic, focused grammar lessons that target key standards.

  • Tap into ways to use storytelling, oral rehearsal, and shared writing to support grammar.

  • Understand the reciprocal relationship between reading and spelling using phonics patterns that are familiar from reading to help spell words.

  • Analyze student writing to study language and spelling development, and to plan next steps based on student needs.

  • Teach spelling generalizations that will improve student spelling.

  • Consider ways to support multilingual learners at various stages of language acquisition.

  • Support daily habits and tools you can infuse across your classroom to help students achieve independence and elevate their grammar usage and conventions.