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Running Records

We all know that the work of reading is largely invisible. It can be hard to know what is really going on with your students unless you use wise assessments. With the right assessment tools, you can get a clearer picture of where your students are in their learning journeys, and you can make thoughtful decisions about how to help each child move along the pathway toward greater proficiency. To help streamline the assessment process, we’ve added recommended assessments to each Unit of Study and more guidance within the Guide to the Reading Workshop

You will be able to find out a lot about your readers from running records and/or phonic decoding assessments (found on the K-2 Assessment resource page) and you can use that formative data immediately—in fact you need to, as kids will outgrow that data quickly.

On this page, you will find the Teacher Copy for Levels A-Z and the Student Copy for Levels L-Z. You can order the student books needed for levels A-K from Kaeden Publishing. Here you'll also find an In Book Assessment that can be used to assess accuracy, fluency, and comprehension in any student text.