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Where to Find RWP-M Tools and Resources

This post is intended to walk you through where key pieces of information live across our channels (website, various social media, email, etc) so you always have access to the tools, resources, and documents you may need from us to support you. 

Let’s talk about our website, 

The Services tab on our page is where you can find a breakdown of each of our professional development offerings, including our current 2024-2025 school year offerings. Know that even if your school or district is not a Units of Study curriculum user, we still have many curriculum agnostic resources and professional development services that we can tailor to your needs.

Under the Events tab is where you can find registration and event details for our summer institutes, workshops, and other webinars or conferences throughout the school year. We are always adding new events so be sure to check back often!

The Resources tab is where most tools and resources live, open to the public. Here is where you can find our popular monthly teacher toolkits that get published during the school year, our curriculum maps, test prep resources, assessments, tools or charts that have been shared on social media, and curricular calendars.

Our Products tab includes details on decodable texts, tutoring curriculum, and reading, writing and phonics curriculum authored by Lucy Calkins and The Reading & Writing Project. These products are for grades K-8 and are available for purchase either through or our publishing partner, Heinemann. 

Our Blog is a rich place where you can read about the latest thought leadership from Lucy Calkins, read staff developer features to get to know our staff, view event and our Supper Club recaps, and so much more. This is our content hub and we update the blog at least once a week.

Lastly, we have our About tab, where you can get to know each member of our team, read about our origin story and what we believe in, and includes the latest news and resources about the science of reading and balanced literacy. 

Schools that receive on-site professional development also have access to what we call the Treasure Chest when you log into your account on This is where exclusive pre-publication resources live to support your teaching, tailored to your school and grade level. 

Next, let’s talk about social media.

Our main social channel is Instagram, where we post fun tools and engaging videos tailored to grades K-8. This is also where we share event dates and information.  

Our LinkedIn is a place where we share articles mentioning our work, as well as events and webinars in partnership with our publisher, Heinemann. We encourage you to also add Lucy Calkins on LinkedIn to stay updated with her thoughts in the field of literacy.

On Facebook, we have two places you can connect with us. The Units of Study with Lucy Calkins Facebook Community is a private group where educators across the world can support each other by posting questions about our curriculum and other literacy-related inquiries. This group is moderated by Lucy herself and colleagues at The Reading & Writing Project participate to help answer questions educators may have. We also have a Facebook Page you can like or follow where we post updates. 

Our YouTube channel is the best place to go if you’re interested in long-form videos. We have started developing “Playlists”, or categories if you will, of types of videos educators may want to see. From demonstrations of minilessons, to Lucy’s responses about rebalancing literacy and the science of reading, YouTube is where our longer videos will live.

Pinterest is a fun place we’ve started dipping our toe into. Pinterest will be a place for quick resources to live that will drive back to events or tools on our website. 

Now let’s chat about emails. All big events and announcements will always be sent to our subscribers’ inboxes. We send about 3-6 emails per month and it’s the best way to keep in touch with us. You can subscribe to our emails at  

The last place to get access to our information is Heinemann’s website for our curriculum, This is a great site to go to for in-depth information, samples, and sales rep contacts regarding our Units of Study Curriculum grades K-8, as well as our Jump Rope Readers decodable text series. For ease of use, we also have the digital samplers and Heinemann sales contact information under each product page on

We hope this post helps you understand the various ways you can stay connected with us this summer and throughout the school year. We look forward to working with you and providing you literacy-related content whichever corner of the internet you frequent! If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at

Published on June 27, 2024


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