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Supporting Grammar Instruction in the Units of Study in Writing, Grades 3-5

This workshop dives into the new Grammar Extensions in the hot-off-the-presses Units of Study in Writing, Grades 3-5. These extensions offer a 5-7 minute grammar microlesson for each day of instruction in writing, tied seamlessly to the work of each unit. The grammar extensions draw on a handful of research-backed structures that will come to be familiar to students. And most importantly, these grammar extensions are fun!

 First, you’ll learn about the structure of the grammar extensions in both big-picture and day-to-day ways – how the grammar work as a whole is carefully designed to meet all language standards, and how each day’s instruction is planned to allow kids to build new concepts in a logical progression. You’ll see examples of thoughtful sequences of lessons that lead to deeper mastery of a particular skill.

Next, you’ll see a series of extensions demonstrated and dig into how some of the most frequent methods for teaching grammar are used to teach a wide range of standards. You’ll have time to learn a little more about each of the key methods and try out applying those methods to the grammar skills that most concern you. Then you’ll study some student work and plan how you might embed quick, meaningful assessments that lead to concrete next steps for teaching.

 You’ll come away from the day with concrete tools and activities, but you’ll also leave with a deeper understanding of what research says about grammar instruction and how to apply that in your classroom the very next day.  

Learning Objectives

  • Develop an understanding of research-backed methods of grammar instruction

  • Explore the progression and sequence of the Units of Study grammar extensions

  • Engage in demonstration teaching to experience brief, fun grammar instruction in action

  • Examine authentic, manageable methods for assessing student grammar

  • Study tools and charts you might use to make grammar come alive for your students

  • Learn practical ways to begin teaching the grammar extensions

We tailor all professional development sessions to address the specific needs of your teachers and the students they serve. Based on these needs, you can opt for a concise 2-hour session or a full-day workshop that provides more in-depth support and hands-on practice.

If you are interested in a more comprehensive professional development workshop covering all of the components of the Units of Study in Writing, we recommend scheduling a Quick Start Unit of Study Day

Ready to get started? Schedule a call or log into the member dashboard to apply for services today!

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Get in touch to discuss ways to partner with RWP-M. Not a Units of Study user? We have many curriculum agnostic resources and specialists that can tailor to your needs.