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Supporting Spelling Modules Instruction in Units of Study in Writing, Grades 3-5

This workshop provides an in-depth exploration of Spelling Modules: Essential Building Blocks. The book contains over a hundred microlessons designed to strengthen students' foundational spelling skills, with a focus on providing extra support to those who have difficulty using phonics as they spell.

First, you will dive into the research-backed structure of the spelling modules, examining the resource from both a broad and detailed perspective. You’ll explore how the lessons are carefully crafted to support foundational phonics instruction. You’ll learn how the sequence of microlessons is designed to guide students through concepts in a predictable, logical progression, helping to develop their spelling abilities over time.

Next, you’ll see demonstrations of several microlessons, observing how the structured, daily lessons are delivered to foster student success. You’ll engage with the key instructional strategies used throughout Spelling Modules and have time to practice applying these methods to address the specific spelling challenges your students may face.

In addition, participants will focus on assessment techniques. You’ll learn how to evaluate students’ spelling progress by using both the assessment tools provided within the resource and authentic writing samples. Together, we’ll explore how to make the most of these assessments to inform your teaching and help students improve.

Throughout the day, we will study authentic student writing and examine concrete tools and charts that can be easily integrated into your classroom. You’ll leave with a rich understanding of effective spelling instruction, hands-on strategies to boost student confidence, and practical tools you can implement the very next day.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop an understanding of research-backed methods for spelling instruction

  • Explore the scope, progression, and sequence of the Spelling Modules lessons

  • Engage in demonstration teaching to experience structured, engaging spelling microlessons in action

  • Examine effective methods for assessing students’ spelling using both assessment tools and authentic writing

  • Study tools, charts, and strategies to make spelling instruction engaging and meaningful for your students

  • Learn practical ways to implement Spelling Modules in your classroom right away

We tailor all professional development sessions to address the specific needs of your teachers and the students they serve. Based on these needs, you can opt for a concise 2-hour session or a full-day workshop that provides more in-depth support and hands-on practice.

If you are interested in a more comprehensive professional development workshop covering all of the components of the Units of Study in Writing, we recommend scheduling a Quick Start Unit of Study Day

Ready to get started? Schedule a call or log into the member dashboard to apply for services today!

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